The entry level Etch1650GLASS system utilizes a high resolution, handheld etching stencil printer and easy to use glass etching supplies to rapidly implement your vin etching project. This system features a rechargeable battery powered handheld stencil printer with an integrated keyboard to print a 17 digit vin up to 1/2” high (12 mm high) with a single common font size. The etch 1650 kit ships complete with enough stencil material and marking gel applicators for up to 80 marks (13 cars) and more supplies can be reordered for less than $0.59 per etch.
The higher volume Etch2000GLASS utilizes our smartphone stencil design application paired to our handheld 4” wide printer to produce multiple custom stencils from the palm of your hand. Cutting-edge features include vin barcode scanning, vin decode verification, advanced reporting and saved layouts to make your vin etching program simple and efficient. This system can etch multiple lines of customizable text with logo printing in a 4” (96mm wide) X 2” (48mm High) format and ships complete with enough etching material to mark 200-325+ vehicles (over 2000 marks) making this kit the lowest cost per mark system. Reordering vin etching supplies for the etch 2000 reduces the cost per etch to less than $0.20.
Click Here to view all our innovative glass and window etching kits, etching cream and supplies.
If your shop handles glass insurance claims and is not currently etching vins, you are missing out on a little known but highly profitable add-on service. Designed by a former installer, he realized a need for a cost effective way to etch the windshields being replaced, with the same mark as the pre-existing etch on the vehicle and old windshield. Better yet, because auto glass companies are required to bring the vehicle back to pre-loss conditions, the insurance or network will reimburse the glass shop up to $50. Approval for pre-existing vinetch is the same as that for tint or dealer moldings, and the technician does not even have to "sell" or ask their customer if they want it done. Your conversation goes like this, "Mrs. Smith, I noticed you have vin etching already on your vehicle. Since I am replacing your windshield, I will also etch your new windshield with the same security mark as before." With Insta Etch's mobile kits, now your glass shop looks like a superstar and increases its margin.
With Insta Etch, glass shops, auto repair companies and other vehicle servicing facilities can instantly improve their bottom line and brand recognition, all with the same add-on service. Vin etching should be actively advertised to retail consumers as insurers often give car owners discounts off their comprehensive insurance for vin etching. Your shop can charge upwards of $50 to your customers as they could see a return on their anti-theft investment within a few months. In addition, many shops offer glass etching to insurance companies they currently market to. Hold a vin etch event for your propective insurance agent to increase your referrals.